Pulpit Minister
Categories Bible Expires: 14th June, 2024 Connecticut
Seeking a qualified Minister who will be light within the community with the ability to shepherd our friendly, family-orientated congregation.
The candidate should be knowledgeable with Scriptures and gifted to preach, teach, evangelize, and equip the church for discipleship and service. Danbury is a mission field and the Minister should be mission-minded. Responsibilities to include, but not limited to:
o Preach and teach Bible class on Sunday A.M. and teach class/devotional on Wednesday P.M.
o Visit members, shut-ins, nursing homes, prisons, hospitals regularly, with members.
o Establish prison and campus ministries, with members.
o Establish an outreach program & equip members; i.e. print articles, social media, public speaking.
o Conduct and/or attend home Bible studies.
The Minister will be a devoted follower/disciple of Jesus, passionate about helping others live and grow as disciples, and make other disciples of Jesus. The Minister, under the oversight of the Men’s Leadership, will work and support the vision of Danbury church of Christ.
Application Information
Interested candidates should send cover letter, sermon video, and resume to: info1danburycoc.org@gmail.com
Employers or individuals may post jobs to out site. All jobs will be reviewed before publicly posted.