Experienced Youth Minister

Categories Bible Expires: 4th August, 2024 Texas

Keller Church of Christ, a well-established congregation in the Fort Worth area is currently seeking a youth minister.  Keller's youth group that is continuing to grow and the congregation features a very involved group of parents, an active membership, and very Biblically sound teaching week in and week out.  This man will be expected to work closely with the youth group of around 50 children (grades 6 - 12), along with the Elders, Deacons, and parents of youth group members. Ideally, he will possess a few years of experience from a previous role and the proven ability to work well in a fast-paced, active congregation. This individual would serve as part of a ministry team and his responsibilities would also include monthly preaching opportunities.

Application Information

Interested applicants should reach out and send a resume to Nathan Goodnight at nathan.goodnight@kellercofc.org for more information.

Job Details
Keller Church of Christ
Full Time
3-5 years minimum


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