Co-Youth Minister
Categories Bible Expires: 1st January, 2024 Texas
The purpose of Sunset Youth Group (SYG) is to develop the spiritual maturity of every student
through a practical theological understanding, Christian virtues, and a wide range of healthy
relationships. Each Youth Minister collaborates as a team to help every 6th through 12th grade
student take steps toward deeper spiritual maturity in Christ. The responsibilities below are shared
with a co-minister and a leadership team. The youth ministry is overseen by the Youth Leadership
Team (YLT), which is composed of youth minister(s), elder(s), and deacons. The Youth Leadership
Team is accountable to the Sunset Eldership and Ministry Team.
Application Information
Visit for a more detailed job description.
Sunset Church of Christ
3723 34th St., Lubbock, Texas, 79410
Full Time
Employers or individuals may post jobs to out site. All jobs will be reviewed before publicly posted.