Associate Minister

Categories Bible Expires: 31st January, 2024 South Carolina

The Associate Minister leads all functional areas in accomplishing the church’s mission. This includes outreach, media, communication, pastoral care, small groups, strategic planning, budgets, administration, and operations.

  • Advise and coordinate with the Shepherds and staff in establishing and directing ministry efforts that effectively reach the desired demographics, ensuring all efforts are in direct support of the church’s vision of Relationships Formed, Faith Strengthened.
  • Support the ministers and staff through ministry-effectiveness evaluation, discernment, decision-making, and planning.
  • Collaborate with the Senior Minister to lead the Deacons and Ministry Team Leaders, including maintaining the ‘big picture’, overseeing ministry events and efforts, planning and leading meetings, and equipping them in their specific roles.
  • Work closely with the Senior Minister on the formation, publication, and execution of regular three-year Strategic Plans and then focus on the monthly execution of the plan in coordination with leaders across the congregation.
  • Provide Biblically-grounded and effective teaching and preaching on a pre-determined schedule and when filling in for others as needed. 
  • Lead the Stewardship Ministry Team in support and development of annual budgets and budget processes that fund the accomplishment of the strategic plan and meet critical objectives.
  • Lead intentional outreach efforts, including exploring and potentially developing area-wide church plants.
  • Lead the church's small group ministry by identifying and training leaders, coordinating the formation of groups and schedules, producing sermon-based study guides, and monitoring the health of groups throughout the year.
  • Directly lead the development and implementation of a Men’s Ministry, including building a dedicated ministry team and annual schedule of events.
  • Actively seek opportunities annually to grow personally and professionally through education, seminars, retreats, or other similar experiences.
  • Champion the ongoing development of and consistent adherence to systems and processes by all ministry and support areas that support the church's healthy, long-term, and sustainable growth.
  • Coordinate weekly with the church secretary and other stakeholders on pertinent administrative duties to manage the regular business of the building and grounds, staff support, and other crucial and routine processes.

Job Benefits

Retirement fund with employer matching and medical reimbursement for full-time staff. 

Application Information

Len Driskell, Senior Minister,

Job Details
Summerville Church of Christ
413 Old Trolley Rd, Summerville, SC 29485
Full Time
Salary is dependent on education and experience level.
Work in a church setting is preferred, planning and organizational skills are a must


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